Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo HQ

Issues before service introduction

Effect after service introduction

Japan’s leading newspaper, the Yomiuri Shimbun, is the most-published newspaper in the world. It boasts a huge network of more than 300 domestic and international branch offices, and prints 9 million paper copies every day. From healthcare to constitutional reform to earthquake recovery, Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo Headquarters is the main source for accurate information on topics pivotal to the future of Japan, and is the center firm of the Yomiuri Group. Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo Headquarters maintains a comprehensive medical, health, and nursing information website called yomiDr. (Yomi Doctor). During its recent upgrade project, Tokyo Headquarters implemented Microsoft Azure and built a WordPress system for yomiDr. that supports handling 30 million monthly page views. The site can also be recovered remotely within one hour after an earthquake, and its operating costs have been cut in half.

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